Philosophy of Education

           A philosophy of education is important to any teacher because you know exactly what your goals are, your decision making, and what you want your students to achieve. My philosophy will guide my decision making by allowing me to make confident, smart choices. Teaching is important to me because it allows me to take the knowledge I have gained and give it to the students. Teaching is one of the most important careers in the world because you are giving knowledge to the next generation. Physical education fits in perfectly with this because we are teaching the next generation how to live an active, healthy lifestyle. What I enjoy most about teaching in physical education is that you prepare students for a lifetime of wellness, physically, mentally, socially, spiritually, and intellectually.
            There are many important goals I have laid out for my students. I want my students to achieve at least competency in all skills that are presented in class. It is my desire to have students leave my class with a wealth of knowledge that they have attained. What is also important to me is to have my students grow in their personal development and have attitudes that represent respect, honesty, and desire for health and wellness. Physical education should be about learning skills for a lifetime of activity and growing as an individual as well. Key challenges in the teaching-learning process that I will face will be to have students acquire all skills in different environmental settings.
            Every teacher has his or her own teaching method, but I believe in the progressivism style of teaching. The reason being, I believe students learn best by interacting with the world around them. The role of a teacher is to prepare students for the real world, so why not put them in scenarios where they have to think and make decisions like they are in the real world? I believe I can help students grow tremendously in physical education and other domains. I believe the best method to help all students grow is to give them every type of scenario to learn. This means providing for the auditory, visual, and kinesthetic learners, among others.
            In education, nothing is more important than student learning. It is my belief that grading should take place on a student’s best effort. I also believe to grade the way a student interacts with those around them and how much effort they are putting into each class. It would be unfair to give someone a poor grade because they couldn’t get the skill down perfectly but they worked incredibly hard. Criterion-referenced grading is my choice of grading because comparing the student’s performance to a defined set of skills can yield positive outcomes. My assessments will also include a combination of quantitative and qualitative data. The reason being, I believe it is important to look at the whole picture, rather than certain pieces.
            Creating an inclusive learning environment is important for all student learning. No mater what ability, gender, or ethnicity, every student will be provided for. I believe in creating an environment where all students feel comfortable. The reason this is important is if students feel comfortable with themselves and the environment, it will increase student learning. My personal experiences will positively affect the classroom because I believe inclusion for all students. I will reinforce a comfortable environment for everyone so that learning can take place. Students will be graded on how they treat every individual, and respect is one of the key objectives in my classroom. Any student who disrespects another student will be handled quickly and effectively. My students will be there to support one another.
            I can make a difference in the lives of my students by creating an environment that is exciting, safe, and promotes student learning. My view of physical education is one that teaches a student to be physically active for a lifetime, while also growing as a person. My success as a teacher will be evaluated on how my students perform inside and outside the classroom.


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